Vivitar Drone: Top Features and Reviews

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Vivitar Drone: Is This Long Flight Time Quadcopter Worth It?

I just spent some time flying the Vivitar Phoenix drone, and it’s been quite an experience. Its HD action camera is impressive, capturing clear and smooth videos. The device is also designed for longer flight times, allowing for up to 32 minutes in the air on a full charge.

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Vivitar Phoenix Long Flight Time Drone

One aspect I really appreciated is the adjustable speed modes, which suit both beginners and more experienced flyers. The GPS and Wifi support features were solid, offering a stable connection and smooth live streaming to my phone. However, I noticed the app had a few issues, which made the camera functionality less reliable.

Bottom Line

The Vivitar Phoenix offers a good balance of features, especially suitable for new drone users looking to get into aerial photography. Give it a try and see if it meets your needs.

Click here to purchase the Vivitar Phoenix and explore the skies with ease!

Overview of the Vivitar Phoenix Drone

When flying the Vivitar Phoenix, I found the HD camera gave me clear and impressive footage. The rotating camera is a big plus. I could capture wide angles without moving the drone too much.

The three speed modes—slow, medium, and fast—let me control the drone easily, even when it was windy. The GPS feature was reliable. It kept the drone steady and let it follow me smoothly.

One thing to watch out for is the mobile app. I noticed some issues with connectivity. It made streaming a bit tricky sometimes. Also, the battery life was decent but did take a while to charge.

The drone is foldable and comes with a carry bag. This made it convenient to travel with. Overall, the Phoenix is a solid option for casual flying and capturing cool footage.

HD Rotating Camera

The HD rotating camera on the Vivitar Phoenix really stands out. I was impressed by its ability to capture clear, sharp 1080p video. The rotation feature is a big plus, as it allows for smooth panning shots without having to move the entire drone.

One thing I noticed is that the camera tends to jitter a bit in high wind conditions, but when it’s calm, the footage is incredibly stable. It’s also easy to control the camera’s direction using the remote, making it fun to capture various angles.

On the downside, the camera isn’t removable, so you’re stuck with the built-in quality. While this might not be a dealbreaker for many, some advanced users might prefer more flexibility.

Overall, it’s a solid camera for casual filming and photography. The rotating feature adds versatility, which is great for creative shots.

Adjustable Speed Modes

I found the three-speed modes to be quite useful for different flying situations. The first mode is gentle and great for beginners or when flying in tight spaces. The second mode offers a balance and is good for normal outdoor use. The third mode adds some serious speed, which is thrilling for experienced pilots.

These modes make it easy to control the drone, whether you’re just learning or looking for more advanced maneuvers. I enjoyed having the flexibility to choose the appropriate speed for the conditions. The only downside is that switching between modes can cause a slight delay, but it’s not a deal-breaker. This feature adds versatility, making the drone adaptable to various skill levels and tasks.

GPS and Wi-Fi Capabilities

I found the GPS and Wi-Fi capabilities of the Phoenix drone to be quite reliable. The GPS positioning is accurate, making it easy to track and control the drone even over longer distances. The “Follow Me” feature works smoothly, allowing the drone to follow my movements without losing track.

Wi-Fi streaming gave me a live feed on my phone, which made capturing scenes much simpler. Unfortunately, I experienced occasional lag in the video feed, which could be frustrating. Despite this, the consistent connection up to 3500 meters was impressive and useful for expansive aerial shots.

Versatile Usage

Versatile Usage

I found the Phoenix to be quite adaptable in various situations. Its motorized HD camera can rotate up to 180 degrees, which is perfect for capturing both action scenes and casual moments. I used it to film a group hike, and the footage was very clear and stable.

The adjustable speed modes let me switch between slow, medium, and fast settings, making it easy to capture smooth shots regardless of how fast I was moving. This feature was handy during a recent park outing where I wanted different speeds for different scenes.

Additionally, the drone’s GPS positioning and Follow Me feature were impressive. It kept up with me without losing track, even in a dense forest area, which was quite convenient. The altitude hover and location lock functions made it simple to get the exact angle I needed for my shots.

Still, I did notice that it took around 4-5 hours to fully charge, which felt a bit long.

Battery Life and Coverage

I was impressed by the battery life. The Phoenix drone flies for up to 32 minutes on a single charge, which allows for extended flight sessions without frequent interruptions. This duration gives ample time to capture great footage and explore wide areas.

Coverage is another strong point. With a maximum range of about 3500 meters, it offers plenty of room to maneuver. The GPS functionality helps in maintaining control and ensures the drone can follow you or return home safely if it loses signal or battery gets low.

However, I did notice some issues. The battery performance seemed inconsistent at times and could benefit from more reliability. This can be frustrating if you’re far from the base. Despite this, the overall flight time and range make it a solid choice for hobbyists.

Pros and Cons


The flight time is impressive, lasting up to 32 minutes on a full charge. I found the camera quality to be a highlight, thanks to the HD rotating camera which made capturing moments easy. The drone is very stable, even at higher speeds, due to its brushless motor and GPS technology. It’s quite versatile, too. The various speed modes are handy, especially if you’re a beginner or want more control. The Wi-Fi streaming is a neat feature, providing live feed straight to my phone. Plus, it’s foldable and comes with a carry bag, making it easily portable.


Unfortunately, the app has significant issues. It hasn’t been updated for over a year, limiting the camera’s functionality. I’ve also experienced some problems with the GPS feature; it’s not always reliable. The controls can be a bit drifty at times, which affects ease of use. Additionally, some users have reported battery problems and delays with customer service. Without a functional app, the drone loses a lot of its appeal, especially for those wanting consistent camera use.

Customer Reviews

Many users appreciate the Vivitar Phoenix for its ease of use, especially for beginners. Some reviewers found it very stable in the air, while others encountered issues with the app, which affects the camera functionality. The foldable design and long flight time were praised, but there are complaints about the battery performance and customer service delays. Though some people experienced drifting issues, others highlighted quick setup and good video quality when the app works. The GPS and Follow Me features received mixed feedback, depending on individual experiences. It’s clear that user opinions are divided on this drone.


I found the Vivitar Phoenix drone to be a mixed bag. The flight time is impressive, lasting around 32 minutes, and I liked the “Follow Me” feature. It’s easy to control and great for beginners.

On the downside, the app support is terrible. Without the app, the camera isn’t very useful. The GPS and controls can be unreliable, making it tough to get consistent use.

Would I recommend it? Only if you’re okay with some quirks and need a basic drone to start with. If you rely heavily on app functionality, you might want to look elsewhere.

FAQs About Your Vivitar Drone

1. How can I obtain a manual for my Vivitar drone?

If you need a manual, you can visit the Vivitar website and download the PDF from their support section. It’s straightforward and helpful for understanding the features and controls of your drone.

2. Which app is needed to operate my Vivitar drone?

You will need the Vivitar Fly app to control your drone. It’s available for both iOS and Android. Be sure your phone is compatible before attempting to download the app.

3. What are the camera specifications of Vivitar drones?

Vivitar drones often come with HD cameras. The quality can vary but generally, you can expect decent resolution, especially shooting in bright conditions. The app, when functional, helps in setting up your shots.

4. How do I replace the battery in a Vivitar drone?

Replacing the battery is simple. The battery compartment is easily accessible. Open it, swap out the old battery with a new one, and make sure it clicks into place securely. Always use the official battery for safety and optimal performance.

5. What are the standout features of the Vivitar Skyracer drone?

The Vivitar Skyracer has several standout features:

  • Long Flight Time: Up to 32 minutes, which is quite impressive.
  • Brushless Motor: Provides smoother and quieter flight.
  • GPS Functionality: Includes follow-me mode and return-to-home features.
  • Foldable Design: Makes it easy to transport and store.
  • Wide Range: Great for exploring larger areas without losing signal.

These features make the Skyracer a good option for both beginners and more experienced drone enthusiasts.

Alex Foster

Alex Foster

My Goal for this blog is to build a community where both newbie pilots and seasoned drone enthusiasts can come together. Whether you're looking to buy your first drone or seeking advanced tips to enhance your aerial photography, I aim to make Drone Tech Guide your go-to resource. Together, let's elevate our drone experiences, share insights, stories, and the beauty of the world from above!

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